Difference from other similar projects

At the moment, the open money project is not the only project of its kind that involves the creation of their own money, settlement systems, or even something like a digital state. Each such project has its own advantages. Others focus on a particular country, economic system, others focus on technology, etc.

In this regard, the open money project has a number of features that probably distinguish it from others of its kind.

 Political (un)feature

The project is free from national and ideological framework, except for freedom of speech and interaction, any ideology. With regard to many questions about the role of the state and the individual in it, it can be said that the project, as a political force, adheres to either the generally accepted traditional, or liberal, or possibly libertarian position.

The OM project is more focused on the problems of interaction between man and nature and man with man, rather than with the state. In essence, the OM project eliminates the role of the state, offering to try to implement all its services to the maximum on its own.

Being a development of liberal ideas, the Open Money project in the course of its implementation assumes self-government within itself, regardless of any existing external state power. And at the same time, the development of the project does not imply the abolition of the state and does not come into conflict with the already existing state power, and if such a contradiction arises, it seeks to eliminate it in a democratic, legal way. The project seeks the right to exist primarily through peaceful means. Open money is a tool for the implementation of a certain economic model, as well as a kind of political force that protects the legal status of this model and all its participants.

On most political issues, I don’t see the system as being in conflict with the traditional values ​​and general political principles that govern most of humanity, at least in the Western world. The OM project largely implements the same values ​​and principles that we all support and try to implement in life.

It can be said that OM is for everything good and against everything bad.But in fact, any state power in words for the same thing, it’s another matter that in the OM project all this can be easily tracked, rather than what it will be just in words. Since we understand that words are not enough, we need mechanisms to control that words correspond to deeds, and this control should be from the majority of people.

Practical focus

The open money project has a practical orientation, which can be called the ideology of the project, its goal. In a general sense, the leading practical goal of the Open Money project is ecology, the creation of harmonious relations between man and the surrounding nature. But this very goal, in turn, contradicts the grounds on which this project is being implemented, and these, in turn, are the above-mentioned liberal values ​​of freedom, justice, equality of human rights, etc. All practical goals of ecology in the system must be achieved by creating certain conditions within the system. Participation in the system must always remain voluntary.

The environmental focus is not a political goal for us, it is an internal priority, but it does not determine the policy of the OM project. First of all, the OM policy is aimed at achieving the right to exist and only then, in the course of economic activity, achieve practical goals in the field of organizing an environmentally friendly economy.

The political direction of OM is not the “Green Party”, it is, first of all, a new economic device in the form of a practical implementation of the OM system, which, among other things, allows you to create your own green economy.

 Technical difference

The main tool and difference of the project from others are “open contracts”. This possibility in itself will allow organizing a better form of economy and, as a result, will create better forms of social relations. Unlike many other systems that create money and implement contracts on the network, open money is not anonymous, and the creation of money itself involves providing it with a natural product. In this regard, they, like real money, must be tied to the turnover. But at the same time, their release and withdrawal is controlled by the participants in the system.

human difference

And you can say – all this already exists. But so far only in the form of disparate software, solving highly specialized tasks that do not have the scale and practical orientation indicated above in terms of ecology.

 And for me personally, an important difference is how the project will be specifically implemented, what kind of people will create it, will initially manage it, whether they really share and will be able to preserve the principles laid down in it. I myself and those people who are implementing this project together with me are such a difference.


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